benno barth
award 2016

The benno barth award was announced for the first time on May 11, 2016. 26 applications were submitted within the deadline October 14, 2016.
The jury decided to award the prize of 15.000 € to two artists.

One prize is awarded to:
Maria Walcher (Brixen - Innsbruck) for the realization of her project „querSCHNITTE“:
a mobile tailor’s shop touring South Tyrol, as a platform for intercultural exchange, based on textile production from all over the world.

A further prize is awarded to:
Ingrid Hora (South Tyrol - Berlin) for a research scholarship and travel grant to India in the context of her project „Rudaali“, aiming at analyzing professional keen from an artistic point of view combined with basic questions about ways and spaces of mourning in the society.

Award winners

Maria Walcher

(Brixen - Innsbruck)

cross-section | querSCHNITT
In a VW bus developed for mobile tailoring, Maria Walcher, together with international tailors who are currently living in South Tyrol, set off on their way through the valleys of South Tyrol.

In public squares and at schools, the mobile tailor shop is temporarily set up in order to get in contact with passers-by and pupils through working with textiles.

The tailors share their experience and professional skills as experts with all interested parties. Thus tailoring becomes a stage where dialogues take place and stories develop by doing.querSCHNITT is an art project with the intention to create intercultural exchange in public space through textiles.

The campaign takes up the old tradition of street-craftsmen and deals with mobility and living and working without a fixed location - at the interface of tourism, migration and global economic exchange.stations:
April 23-24, 2018: St. Walburg, Ulten (winter school / middle school)
May 26: Brixen (Zugluft Festival)
May 30 - June 01, 2018: Bruneck (town center and High School)
June: Tschengls
August 24 - 26: Karthaus, Schnals
September: Zillertal / Ahrntal (Middle School Tux)

final presentation
October 12 - 13: Klausen (kunst boden_nah)

Forest house photo
Freeman house photo
Meiser house photo
Spartan house photo
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Ingrid Hora


The benno barth award has enabled me to investigate the topic of professional keen, especially Rudali, by professional wailing women in India. In the course of some trips and research stays in India, the topic has opened up in various facets and aspects. I could discover other types of keen - e.g. the wailing hermits at the foot of the Himalaya - and gradually the different stories intertwined...

A Portuguese house in Goa, hidden behind palm trees, has become the Institute of Sorrow (sadness), where the lamentation and sadness of people are kept. Especially commissioned women constantly keep the vessels with the complaints in motion and take care of them day in and out. Fiction and research merge...
Ingrid Hora

Spartan house photo
Freeman house photo
Meiser house photo
Spartan house photo
Spartan house photo
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